Gary's Story
This is Gary in his early 40s - a man who had to fend for himself from an early age, because his parents had no time for him; a man who quickly adopted the racist and criminal traits of the area he lived in and the people he mixed with, and who spent some years on the inside because of this – someone you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of if you were in his neighbourhood, or even driving on the same stretch of road.
The hard exterior masked an inner sadness - not only had Gary never known the love of his parents, but he also lost his first child, Sarah, when she was nearly 5, to cystic fibrosis. Now, not only did Gary think God would never be interested in him, but he wasn’t sure he wanted anything to do with a God who would allow this to happen to a young child. His marriage broke up, and life seemed pretty bleak.
Watch this interview with Gary, 20 years on from this picture, to see how God had a surprise in store for him…
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